Meeting documents

Licensing Committee
Tuesday, 30th May, 2006

Committee Name:Licensing Committee
Meeting Date:30/05/2006
LICENSING SUB COMMITTEE 30th MAY, 2006 Minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Sub Committee of Flintshire County Council held at County Hall, Mold on Tuesday, 30th May, 2005. PRESENT: Councillor L. A. Sharps (Chairman) Councillors: A. G. Diskin and B. Dunn. OFFICERS OF FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL: Solicitor, Legal Services, Licensing Officer and Senior Administration Officer. RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITIES - REPRESENTATIVES: None were present. APPLICANTS/AGENTS: None were present. INTERESTED PARTIES: None were present.

1. APOLOGIES None were received.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None were received.

3. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENT AND REGENERATION The Sub Committee considered the report of the Director of Environment & Regeneration which was presented by the Licensing Officer in respect of an application to vary a premises licence for the Boars Head, Chester Street, Mold.

4. THE APPLICATION – The Boars Head, Chester Street, Mold CH7 1EG An application to vary a Premises Licence was made by Ford and Warren Solicitors on behalf of Punch Taverns. The premises operated under a licence that allowed for the performance of live music, playing of recorded music, provision of facilities for making music and the sale by retail of alcohol. The following were the permitted hours for performance of live music and the provision of facilities for making music: Monday to Wednesday - 10am to 11pm Thursday to Saturday - 10am to Midnight Sunday - Noon to 11pm The permitted hours for playing of recorded music were: Monday to Wednesday - 10am to 11.30pm Thursday to Saturday - 10am to Midnight Sunday - Noon to 11pm The permitted hours for alcohol sales were: Monday to Wednesday - 10am to 11.30pm Thursday to Saturday - 10am to Midnight Sunday - Noon to 11.30pm The permitted opening hours for the premises was 30 minutes after the sale of alcohol times. The proposed hours for the performance of live music, playing of recorded music, provision of facilities for making music and the sale by retail of alcohol were: Monday to Sunday - 10am to 1am The proposed opening hours of the premises were: Monday to Sunday - 10am to 1.30am the following morning.

5. BACKGROUND The application had been advertised in the required manner. There had been representations from a person living in the vicinity.

6. PREMISES LICENCE The Premises Licence was attached as Appendix 1 to the report.

7. NOTICES AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Representations had been made by a person living in the vicinity and a letter was attached as Appendix 2 to the report.

8. SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE/REQUEST TO CROSS EXAMINE In the absence of any representatives being present, the Chairman proceeded onto the next stage of the procedure.

9. HEARING AND DETERMINATION OF THE APPLICATION The Chairman advised the Sub Committee that they would proceed to hear and determine the application by reference to the four licensing objectives.

10. FURTHER INFORMATION The Chairman asked the Licensing Officer to confirm whether or not there was anything further to add to the papers in front of the Committee. The Licensing Officer confirmed that there was not. The Chairman requested information from the Licensing Officer regarding the licences’ of nearby premises which was provided.

11. DECISION The Sub Committee agreed that the application to vary the existing licence be granted in accordance with the following terms and conditions: Performance of live music, playing of recorded music, provision of facilities for making music: Monday to Sunday - 10am to Midnight Sale by retail of alcohol: Monday to Sunday - 10am to 1am the following morning The closing time shall be 30 minutes later. The Chairman explained that the hours permitted were as outlined above. He also recommended that prominent, clear and legible notices should be displayed at all exits requesting the public to respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and area quietly.

16. REASONS (i) That no recorded complaints had been received from any responsible authorities; (ii) The information received from the interested party; and (iii) Consistency with other local premises. SUMMARY OF DECLARATIONS MADE BY MEMBERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL’S CODE OF CONDUCT LICENSING COMMITTEE DATE: 30th May, 2006 MEMBER ITEM MIN. NO. REFERS NO DECLARATIONS WERE MADE Approved Date - 756 -