Decision details

Financial Forecast and Stage Two of the Budget 2018/19

Decision Maker: Flintshire County Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider Second Stage Budget Options for the Council Fund Budget 2018/19 on the recommendation of Cabinet.


(a)       That the Stage Two Budget options within the Scrutiny report and the recommendations of Cabinet detailed below be received;


(i)         That feedback from Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee be received with a recommendation to Council on Stage 2 of the budget strategy;


(ii)        That the remaining stages of the budget process and the timescales be noted; and


(iii)       Cabinet received and accepted in full the 6 draft recommendations from Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee (listed below).  Cabinet noted and recommended Stage 2 of the budget to County Council with the proviso that the specific proposals on schools budgets and car parking charges would be reported to the respective Overview and Scrutiny Committees in January for full review, for them to report back before any final agreement on those two areas.


Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Recommendations:

1.            That having considered the Stage 2 budget options, the report and proposals be noted;

2.            That the remaining stages of the budget process and timescales be noted;

3.            That the letter to the Cabinet Secretaries for Finance and for  Local Government and Public services   and the Resilience Statements be circulated to all Members;

4.            That the full detail of the assessments of the risks, impacts and consequences of all of the budget proposals be made available for review in January;

5.            That the Environment and Education and Youth Overview and Scrutiny Committees be convened in January to review in detail the car parking charges and school budget proposals respectively, including the risks and consequences of the proposals, prior to any final decision being taken; and

6.            That a report reviewing the process for the setting of the annual budget process be prepared for the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee at its meeting on 31st January 2018.


(2)       That the remaining stages of the budget process and the timescales be noted; and


(b)       That the remaining stages of the budget process and the timescales be     noted.


Report author: Gary Ferguson

Publication date: 13/08/2018

Date of decision: 12/12/2017

Decided at meeting: 12/12/2017 - Flintshire County Council

Accompanying Documents: