Decision details
RES/000385/22 - A - Reserved Matters - Proposed Storage and Distribution Unit with ancillary offices, associated accesses, car parking, service yards, security gatehouse, electricity substation, pump house and landscaping at Plot B, The Airfields, No
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Allweddol decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report, in accordance with the officer recommendation.
Report author: Claire Morter
Publication date: 07/03/2023
Date of decision: 01/02/2023
Decided at meeting: 01/02/2023 - Planning Committee
Accompanying Documents:
- RES/000385/22 - Reserved Matters - Proposed Storage & Distribution Unit with ancilliary offices, car parking, service yeards, security gatehouse, electricity substation, pump house and landscaping at Plot B, The Airfields, Northern Gateway, Deeside. PDF 110 KB
- Enc. 1 for RES/000385/22 - Reserved Matters - Proposed Storage & Distribution Unit with ancilliary offices, car parking, service yeards, security gatehouse, electricity substation, pump house and landscaping at Plot B, The Airfields, Northern Gateway PDF 2 MB