Decision details

Connahs Quay Swimming Pool Community Asset Transfer

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the Community Asset Transfer of Connah’s Quay Swimming Pool to the community.


The Chief Officer (Organisational Change) introduced a report to seek approval on the legal completion and attached conditions of the community asset transfer of Connah’s Quay Swimming Pool.  The report contained a brief summary of the case together with information from the organisation concerned.  The conditions were required to be completed before the target transfer date, which may be subject to change.


Councillor Kevin Jones paid tribute to the positive engagement with Trade Unions and staff, and thanked the Chief Officer (Organisational Change) and his team for their input, along with that of Connah’s Quay Town Council.  He welcomed the significant progress made within the timeframe and referred to positive examples of community assets transfers around the country.  He agreed that some flexibility was needed on the target transfer date to achieve the right outcomes and hoped that this project would help to generate interest in other potential transfers within the county.


Other Members took the opportunity to express their appreciation to all involved in the process.  The Chief Executive spoke about the level of learning from this individual project which was vital to the success of future transfers.




(a)       To agree the Community Asset Transfer proposal from Cambrian Aquatics for the transfer of Connah’s Quay Swimming Pool;


(b)       That this Community Asset Transfer be subject to a number of conditions which must be met prior to legal completion:


·           Provision of an updated Strategic Business Plan;

·           That this Business Plan covers satisfactorily the areas identified at 1.09 of the report; and

·           Sign off the Business Plan by Chief Officer for Organisational Change in consultation with the two lead portfolio holders


(c)        That the Chief Officer (Governance) be given delegated authority to enter into the necessary legal agreements to complete the Community Asset Transfer including:


·         Community Asset Transfer Lease with Cambrian Aquatics for 27 years based on a peppercorn rent;

·         Community Benefits Agreement with Cambrian Aquatics detailing: the requirements for the peppercorn lease; an initial revenue fund of £0.065m and the community benefits required for this funding; an initial capital grant allocation of £0.100m and the conditions for use of this grant linked to the condition survey;

·         Co-operative Agreement with Connah’s Quay Town Council and Cambrian Acquatics detailing the principles, values and ways of working between the three main partners.

Report author: Ian Bancroft

Publication date: 16/12/2015

Date of decision: 15/12/2015

Decided at meeting: 15/12/2015 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/12/2015

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