Decision details

Review of the Corporate Complaints Policy

Decision Maker: Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To provide an update on the review of the Corporate Complaints Policy.


That the Committee:


(a)       Supports the implementation of the Concerns and Complaints Policy from 1 April 2021;


(b)       Supports the implementation of the Managing Customer Contact Policy from 1 April 2021;


(c)       Notes the performance timetable as outlined in paragraph 1.15 of the report; and


(d)       Receives reports on a half-yearly rather than annual basis as indicated in the report.

Report author: Rebecca Jones

Publication date: 16/03/2021

Date of decision: 11/03/2021

Decided at meeting: 11/03/2021 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee

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