Decision details

Chief Officer, Team Capacity

Decision Maker: Flintshire County Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To seek members approval of a number of changes to the current operating model


The Chief Executive introduced a report to seek approval of a number of changes to the current operating model. He provided background information and reported on the main considerations as detailed in the report.


The Chief Executive Designate (Chief Officer, Housing and Assets) gave an overview of the current position and capacity in the Housing and Assets portfolio, and reported on the recommended proposals.


Members were asked to consider the proposals as outlined in the report.


In moving the proposals Councillor Ian Roberts spoke in support of the recommendations. Councillor Roberts paid tribute to the Chief Executive, Chief Executive Designate, and members of the Recruitment Panel for their diligent work. Councillor Billy Mullin seconded the motion.


Councillors Ian Dunbar and Chris Dolphin spoke in support of the proposals


Councillor Mike Peers said he supported the proposals in part, however, he expressed a number of concerns and proposed that the recommendations be amended as follows: that a Chief Officer for the Housing and Community portfolio be appointed. That an appointment to the post of Corporate Manager – Capital Programmes and Assets be deferred until after the Local Government Elections in May 2022; and that an officer from the existing Housing and Assets team be appointed on an interim basis for the intervening period. The amendment was seconded by Councillor Owen Thomas.


Councillor Ian Roberts spoke in support of the motion he had put forward and thanked Officers for their detailed responses to the questions raised by Members around salary costs. Councillor Roberts spoke against the proposal to defer the post of Corporate Manager – Capital Programmes and Assets until after May 2022.


A vote was taken on the amendment proposed by Councillor Mike Peers above. The amendment was not carried.


A vote was requested on the substantive motion which had been proposed by Councillor Ian Roberts as follows:   


(a)        That the proposal for (1) a replacement Chief Officer for the Housing and Community portfolio and (2) a new post of Corporate Manager, Capital Programmes and Assets be supported: and  


(b)        That the current Member Appointments Panel be re-convened for the appointment of the replacement Chief Officer post.


The motion was carried.




(a)        That the proposals for (1) a replacement Chief Officer for the Housing and Community portfolio and (2) a new post of Corporate Manager, Capital Programme and Assets, be approved; and


(b)        That the current Member Appointments Panel be reconvened for the appointment of the replacement Chief Officer post.

Report author: Sharon Carney

Publication date: 19/10/2021

Date of decision: 19/10/2021

Decided at meeting: 19/10/2021 - Flintshire County Council

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