Issue - meetings

Integrated Youth Provision

Meeting: 20/06/2017 - Cabinet (Item 12)

Integrated Youth Provision

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Roberts introduced the report which sought support for a reshaping proposal for leadership of Integrated Youth Provision (IYP) following adoption of the integrated delivery plan for youth services and the continuum of need model for universal / targeted specialist services.


                        The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) thanked all Councillors who had engaged in the workshop and all staff in the operational teams.  The work was focussed on safeguarding the most vulnerable young people to stay safe in the virtual world and this saw an exciting time for youth engagement.  Councillor Shotton commented on the Notice of Motion that would be considered at County Council later that day which proposed the establishment of a Youth Council for Flintshire which would feature in the work of the Youth Service moving forward.


                        At this point Councillor Shotton took the opportunity to thank the Mr Ian Budd, Chief Officer (Education and Youth), on behalf of all Cabinet Members, for all of his hard work since his employment at Flintshire County Council and wished him well in his new role.




(a)       That the reshaping of service leadership to deliver efficient and effective leadership of integrated youth provision and to enable succession planning be supported;


(b)       That the refocus of direct participation work with young people to include increased social media and digital literacy communications methods be supported; and


(c)        That the existing and growing service model innovation of commissioning out several areas of the service to 3rd sector or to other external bodies be supported.