Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Strategy

Meeting: 10/09/2015 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 32)

Medium Term Financial Strategy

To receive a verbal update.


That the Leader and Chief Executive be thanked for the update on the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


Councillor Aaron Shotton advised that following publication of Part 1 of the 2015-18 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) in the Summer, an update was scheduled for the next Cabinet meeting to table the Part 2 report currently being prepared on plans to tackle the unprecedented gap of £20.8m for 2016/17.  A more detailed report would be shared at the Committee’s next meeting in October including discussion on financial relief required from Welsh Government (WG).  As discussed at the Member workshops, the results of the Comprehensive Spending Review and work by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) were awaited to demonstrate to WG the effects of reduced funding and changes needed to the national funding formula.


The Chief Executive explained that the Cabinet report summarised the high-level strategy with an overview of the content of the Part 2 report to be shared at the meeting.  A draft version had been shared with Group Leaders and Chairs, and consideration was being given to including an item on MTFS at the Council meeting in September to maximise public awareness of the significant financial challenges.  Some information had also been shared with the local press to show transparency and generate support for more funding and greater flexibility.  The Chief Executive spoke about the need for further discussion on the budget consultation process and the Council’s principal role in instigating plans for a national case for funding.


In response to a question from the Chairman regarding an email seeking support for refugees, Councillor Shotton explained that the public statement previously issued had openly shared the Council’s stance on the issue.  The first element was to reasonably assess what was achievable in terms of capacity to meet needs, if called upon, and may require more detailed discussion on preparations at full Council.


The Chief Executive reported on the establishment of a working group involving Welfare Rights and Housing colleagues to consider how support could be given, however any impact on Flintshire resources was expected to be low.




That the Leader and Chief Executive be thanked for the update on the Medium Term Financial Strategy.