Issue - meetings

New Report Format for Cabinet and Committees

Meeting: 07/10/2015 - Constitution Committee (Item 15)

15 New Report Format for Cabinet and Committees pdf icon PDF 93 KB

To inform and engage with the Members of the Constitution Committee regarding the introduction of a new style of reports for Cabinet and Committees.


That the new report format for Cabinet and Committees be approved.



The Member Engagement  Manager introduced a report on the new report format for Cabinet, Council and Committees. He advised that the report provided details of the new format which was intended to make reporting more effective and efficient.  Future  reports would be less resource intensive to prepare and easier and  quicker to read. The Committee was asked to comment on and approve the use of the new format for Council and Committee reports.


                          In response to a question from Councillor Clive Carver on when the new report format was to be introduced, the Member Engagement Manager advised that it was intended to use the new format for Council and Committee reports from November 2015, subject to the Committee’s approval.




That the new report format for Cabinet and Committees be approved.