Issue - meetings

052388 - General Matters - Erection of 20 No. Dwellings (Phase 2) at Village Road, Northop Hall

Meeting: 18/11/2015 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 86)

86 General Matters - Erection of 20 No. Dwellings (Phase 2) at Village Road, Northop Hall (052388) pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


            That planning permission be granted based on the amended red line boundary and planning layout Drawing AH008-01N subject to the applicants entering into a Section 106 agreement/unilateral undertaking or earlier payment for the following contributions:-


·         To gift 2 three bed dwellings to North East Wales Homes to be used as affordable housing

·         To provide a commuted sum of £1,100 per dwelling in lieu of on-site open space provision



The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application. 


                        The officer detailed the background to the report and explained that the report was before Committee to advise them that the incorrect layout plan had been shown when the application was considered by the Committee in October 2014.  The site was slightly smaller than the area shown on the plan but the correct layout plan had been consulted on. 


            Councillor Chris Bithell queried how this had happened and whether it could have implications for the approval of the application.  He did not have any objection to the smaller site area but asked whether the Committee’s original decision needed to be rescinded.  He proposed the recommendation for approval which was duly seconded.


                        The Housing & Planning Solicitor said Members were being asked to note the discrepancy and move approval subject to the same conditions as the original resolution on 8th October 2014.  He confirmed that an amended plan had been submitted by the applicant and it was that plan (the correct layout plan) which had been consulted on but the incorrect layout plan had then been accidently displayed in the officer’s presentation to the Committee.  The Committee was also being asked to note the amended location plan.


                        Councillor Mike Peers referred to the provision of affordable housing which it was recommended would be two three bed dwellings being gifted to North East Wales Homes.  He queried whether this was in agreement with the Housing Strategy Manager.  In response, the Housing & Planning Solicitor advised that those provisions within the Section 106 agreement had not changed from those that were resolved to be granted in October 2014 and that this report was only to point out that the incorrect layout plan had been displayed during the presentation to the Committee.  The Planning Strategy Manager said that the provision of gifted units in Northop Hall had been established for some time and was the view of the Housing Strategy Manager.         




            That planning permission be granted based on the amended red line boundary and planning layout Drawing AH008-01N subject to the applicants entering into a Section 106 agreement/unilateral undertaking or earlier payment for the following contributions:-


·         To gift 2 three bed dwellings to North East Wales Homes to be used as affordable housing

·         To provide a commuted sum of £1,100 per dwelling in lieu of on-site open space provision