Issue - meetings

054768 -Variation of Condition No. 17 Attached to Planning Permission Ref: 00/20/570 to Increase Production Limit at Pant y Pwll Dwr Quarry, Pentre Halkyn

Meeting: 22/06/2016 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 18)

18 Variation of Condition No. 17 Attached to Planning Permission Ref: 00/20/570 to Increase Production Limit at Pant y Pwll Dwr Quarry, Pentre Halkyn (054768) pdf icon PDF 184 KB

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            That the application be deferred to allow clarification of the issues raised by the Committee.



The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application. The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report. 


                        The officer explained that the applicant had applied under Section 73 of the Town and County Planning Act 1990 to vary Condition No.17 of the deemed planning permission at Pant y Pwll Dwr Quarry, Pentre Halkyn,  to effectively increase the tonnage output from the Quarry from a limit of 800,000 tonnes per annum, as measured over a period of three consecutive years, to a limit of 1.2 million toners per annum, as measured over a period of three consecutive years.  The application was being applied for retrospectively as the applicant had been exceeding the three yearly average annual tonnage for some years.  The application had been submitted at the request of the Authority to regularise this.


The officer advised that the main issues being considered to determine the planning application related to the impact on the highway network and amenity in terms of potential noise, dust, and blasting from the quarry operations as a result of an increase in exported limestone aggregate products.


The officer detailed the background to the report  and advised that the quarry operated under a deemed consent, in terms of regulations.   She referred to the consultation which had been undertaken with local residents and the neighbouring Ward Member and the concerns which had been expressed  around the increase in output at the Quarry and the suggestion that there should be improvements made to the highways as a result. Local residents had also raised concerns relating to vehicles ‘wheel spinning’ and noise. The response to the concerns raised were detailed in the report


 The officer advised that  the current conditions  provided no control of output and were not enforceable and suggested it would be more effective and appropriate to remove Condition No.17 and replace with a maximum daily vehicle number rather than revising the average output level.  It was suggested that a daily week day HGV limit of 600 HGV movements (300 in and 300 out) per week and restrict HGV movements to 300 on Saturdays with no HGV movements on Sundays or public/bank holidays.  The condition would also state that in any 12 months period the quantity of processed limestone aggregate leaving the site should not exceed 1.2 million tonnes.


In summary the officer explained that the application would provide the opportunity to review all the conditions which would help address the concerns raised by local residents around noise and blasting.  She advised a restriction in daily vehicle movement, controlled by condition which would not have an impact on the operation, capacity, safety of the local highway network, and that consent be reviewed and modernised as outlined in the report with the draft conditions provided.  The Officer recommended that the application be approved as there was no sustainable reason for refusal.


                        Mr. D. Bartlett spoke against the application.  He said he .appreciated the contribution  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18