Issue - meetings

Local Government Provisional Settlement 2017/18

Meeting: 15/11/2016 - Cabinet (Item 87)

87 Local Government Provisional Settlement 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendations.


The Chief Executive introduced the Local Government Provisional Settlement 2017/18 report which provided a summary of the Settlement announced as part of the draft budget of the Welsh Government (WG) for 2017/18.  The figures were provisional with the Final Settlement expected to be received on 21st December 2016.


            A presentation was delivered which covered the following areas:


·         Welsh Government Budget

·         State of the Nation

·         Local Impacts of the Settlement

·         The Flintshire Case

·         Responding to the Consultation


Councillor Kevin Jones commented on the Single Environment Grant (SEG) which had seen reductions over the last five years.  The Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs had indicated that it may be incorporated into the Revenue Support Grant (RSG) in 2017/18 however not in totality. 


Councillor Shotton said based on the details in the Provisional Settlement, he felt the lobbying on Flintshire being a low funded Council had been taken on board by WG.  The outcome of other lobbying cases would become known in the following weeks, such as additional funding for Social Services.  However, he emphasised that despite Flintshire receiving a flat line settlement the situation was not sustainable for future years.




(a)       That the details of the Provisional Settlement be noted; and


(b)       That the impact on the budget for 2017/18 be noted with a consultation response to be submitted to Welsh Government.