Issue - meetings

Pooled Investments

Meeting: 08/11/2016 - Clwyd Pension Fund Committee (Item 43)

Pooled Investments

To provide Committee Members with a verbal update on the progress of the Working Together in Wales Project.


That the Members note the update.



Mrs McWilliam and Mr Middleman left the room.


Mr Latham (Clwyd Pension Fund Manager) provided Committee Members with a verbal update on the outcome of a cross-pool meeting with Teresa Clay (Head of Local Government Pensions at Department of Communities and Local Government) regarding the proposals for the Investment Pooling.


Mr Latham also reported that there would be upcoming meetings between Marcus Jones, the Local Government Minister (DCLG), and representatives of the eight proposed pools prior to a written all-clear being issued to allow the pool’s to move forward. A wide ranging discussion followed.


The Committee was also updated by Mr Latham on progress of the Wales Pool. An outline was given of the respective responsibilities of the Committee, Officers, Advisors and the Joint Chair’s Committee during the transitional period, the period immediately following the awarding of the operator contract as well as the medium to long term.


A wide ranging discussion followed. Mr Latham informed the Committee that both he and the Chair, Cllr. Alan Diskin, would be attending a meeting on Friday with the Chairs of the other seven funds in Wales.




That the Members note the update.