Issue - meetings

Leisure and Libraries Alternative Delivery Models – Implementation Plan Development

Meeting: 15/11/2016 - Cabinet (Item 99)

Leisure and Libraries Alternative Delivery Models – Implementation Plan Development

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendations.



            The Chief Officer (Organisational Change) introduced the Leisure and Libraries Alternative Delivery Models – Implementation Plan Development report.


            The report provided details of the extensive work that had taken place co-operatively between the Council, the service management team and the workforce to complete the implementation plan.




(a)       That the Museums Service be agreed as part of the proposed Leisure and Libraries Alternative Delivery Model;


(b)       That the senior management structure for the Alternative Delivery Model detailed in the report, subject to minor changes that might need to be made under delegated authority, be approved;


(c)        That recruitment on the senior management structure be approved to start during November and December 2016, but that finalising appointments is subject to agreement of the implementation plan by both Cabinet and the staff vote in December 2016;


(d)       That it be agreed that the recruitment starts to the shadow board in line with the final Board structure outlined in the report with the aim that the shadow board is in place by the end of January 2017, after December 2016 Cabinet and the staff vote; and


(e)       That it be agreed that the final implementation plan for the new organisation be brought back to the December Cabinet, that a staff vote follows Cabinet in December 2016, and that a revised date of establishment of the organisation is July 2017.