Issue - meetings

North Wales Construction Framework (NWCF)

Meeting: 20/06/2017 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 North Wales Construction Framework (NWCF) pdf icon PDF 88 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Roberts introduced the report which outlined the North Wales Construction Framework which expired in May 2018 and proposed an approach for renewing the Framework Agreement.


The Framework provided a streamlined, cost effective and collaborative mechanism to secure contractors for construction projects in schools and other public buildings across North Wales.


The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) said the current Framework had been a successful collaborative project and gave examples of successful projects such as Holywell Learning Campus and Deeside 6 – Coleg Cambria.


One of the main benefits of the Framework was the delivery of community benefits with the report providing details of 20 successful regional projects.


Renewing the Framework would ensure an effective mechanism for delivering the next phase of the 21st Century Schools programme, as well as the construction or major refurbishment of other public buildings.  Details of the next generation North Wales Construction Framework were outlined in the appendix to the report which was welcomed by Members.




            That the approach outlined to procure the next generation North Wales Construction Framework be endorsed.