Issue - meetings

Annual Review of Strategic Risks

Meeting: 12/06/2017 - Audit Committee (Item 8)

8 Annual Review of Strategic Risks pdf icon PDF 105 KB

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That the Committee notes the status for the 2016/17 end of year summary of the strategic risks of the Improvement priorities of the Council; endorsing the successful management of the risks.


The Chief Executive presented a position statement on the strategic risks contained within the Council’s 2016/17 Improvement Plan.  A report on the final outturn was due to be considered by Cabinet.  The role of the Audit Committee was to ensure the robustness of the approach to managing risks whilst Overview & Scrutiny provided challenge on quarterly progress reports.


The Corporate Business & Communications Executive Officer provided clarification on the summary table in the report which identified the status of risks from initial assessment to the end of year position.  She advised that the major (red) risks would feature in the Annual Governance Statement for 2017/18.


Councillor Dolphin commented that Overview & Scrutiny did not receive information on all risk areas.  In response, the Chief Executive said that Cabinet had referred matters of risk to Overview & Scrutiny and that Members of those Committees were able to request specific topics for inclusion on the Forward Work Programmes.


The Chief Executive reported that work was on track with the draft Improvement Plan 2017/18 to be reported to Cabinet in July 2017.




That the Committee notes the status for the 2016/17 end of year summary of the strategic risks of the Improvement priorities of the Council; endorsing the successful management of the risks.