Issue - meetings
Welsh Language Annual Monitoring Report and Strategic Equality Plan annual report.
Meeting: 12/07/2018 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 31)
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report 2016/17, item 31 PDF 452 KB
- Enc. 2 for Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report 2016/17, item 31 PDF 357 KB
(a) That the Committee notes the annual reports and the areas of progress for improvement which have been identified; and
(b) That the Council’s workforce Welsh Language survey be extended to Members.
The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer introduced the report to present the Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report 2016/18 and the Welsh Language Annual Monitoring 2017/18 Report. She provided background information and explained that the report provided an overview of progress in complying with the Equality Act and Welsh Language Standards, and identified areas for improvement.
Councillor Patrick Heesom expressed concerns that the welfare of young people was not sufficiently reflected in the Plans. The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer agreed in future to include examples of the work undertaken for younger and older people.
Councillor Tudor Jones commented on the impact and the opportunity that Members had to promote the Welsh language in local communities. Councillor Jones asked if the outcome of the Welsh Language skills audit included school based employees. The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer explained that reporting on the Welsh Language standards was primarily on employees and that the draft Welsh language promotion covered communities. During discussion it was agreed that the Council’s workforce Welsh language survey would be extended to Members.
The Chair asked what the average gender pay gap for local authorities was; a response would be emailed to members of the Committee.
In response to a concern from the Chair around promoting engagement with equality training, the Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer explained that promotion was undertaken via the Infonet and through service management teams.
(a) That the Committee notes the annual reports and the areas of progress for improvement which have been identified; and
(b) That the Council’s workforce Welsh Language survey be extended to Members.