Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Progress Report

Meeting: 24/01/2018 - Audit Committee (Item 50)

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That the report be accepted.


The Internal Audit Manager presented the update on progress of the Internal Audit department.  She explained that the outcomes of performance indicators were mainly due to the timing of the report.  On the 2017/18 Audit Plan, the reviews of Contract Management and the Welsh Housing Quality Standard would be moved to 2018/19, and the latter was dependent on the outcome of a Wales Audit Office regional review.


During the period, the only ‘red’ (limited assurance) review had been issued for the Single Access Route to Housing (SARTH).  In keeping with the agreed practice for red reviews, the Chief Officer (Community & Enterprise) was in attendance with the Housing Asset Manager and Service Manager (Customer Support) to give assurance on actions being taken.


The Senior Auditor explained the background and scope of the review which had identified 13 actions, including two of high risk which had been completed.  She reported that management had been receptive to the findings and were promptly implementing actions.


The Chief Officer reiterated that the findings of the review were being prioritised.  She provided explanation on the two red actions relating to the checking of evidence to support allocation overrides and the recording of application dates on the register.  As background information, she spoke about the impact of an increase in applicants on the register over the past 12 months which had led to challenges in register management.


Sally Ellis welcomed the detailed action plan.  In response to comments, the Senior Auditor said that the ICT changes would help to automate systems and reduce the level of manual working and subsequent pressures.  Officers referred to previous issues arising from a delay in upgrading the server to support the ‘Open Housing’ system.  Actions were set out in the report for ICT officers to prioritise that work, subject to the capacity of Capita, in accordance with the agreed timescales.


When asked by Councillor Dolphin about ICT work planning, the Chief Officer said that the current approach involved discussion with the Chief Officer team to assess how any new projects identified during the year could be accommodated.


The Chief Executive said that to address the findings of red reviews, Chief Officers were required to look at the detail beyond those actions to assist teams in carrying out that work.


Councillor Woolley highlighted a number of typographical errors in the report.


In response to a query by Councillor Johnson, the Internal Audit Manager explained that a follow-up review of SARTH was scheduled for June 2018 to allow time for actions to be implemented.  The Chair asked that the report on the follow-up review include details of any delays to ICT changes.


The Chair thanked the Chief Officer and team members for their attendance and contributions.




That the report be accepted.