Issue - meetings
Code of Corporate Governance
Meeting: 24/01/2018 - Audit Committee (Item 47)
47 Code of Corporate Governance PDF 113 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 CGWG Group Membership Jan 18, item 47 PDF 31 KB
- Appendix 2 Code of Corporate Governance 2017, item 47 DOCX 249 KB
That the Committee endorses the updated Code of Corporate Governance for adoption as part of the Council’s Constitution.
The Corporate Business & Communications Executive Officer presented a report on the updated Code of Corporate Governance to seek endorsement to the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee.
The report included a diagram demonstrating how the Code linked with the Council Plan and the Annual Governance Statement (AGS). Whilst significant changes had been made to the Code in the previous year to follow revised national guidance, the current update applied to specific areas.
Sally Ellis commented on the professionalism of the document and asked whether events during the past year had led to learning about issues aligned to the Code. The Executive Officer referred to new areas such as the introduction of a Community Benefits Strategy and the development of Human Resources work on stress management. The Chief Executive and Chief Officer explained that whilst the Code did not drive practice, the scoring of self-assessment questionnaires provided learning for future development. This process was currently underway to enable the draft AGS to be presented to the Committee at a later stage.
Councillor Johnson asked about opportunities for Member involvement on the Corporate Governance Working Group. The Chief Executive explained the technical nature of this work in checking compliance with the framework which the Committee was required to endorse. The Chief Officer provided information on preparations for the AGS and suggested that officers discuss how best to present the document as this was the first time that the membership of this Committee would consider it.
The Internal Audit Manager advised that self-assessment questionnaires would shortly be circulated to enable the results to be reported to the next meeting.
That the Committee endorses the updated Code of Corporate Governance for adoption as part of the Council’s Constitution.