Issue - meetings
Theatr Clwyd Revised Board of Governors Model
Meeting: 01/05/2018 - Flintshire County Council (Item 7)
7 Theatr Clwyd Revised Board of Governors Model PDF 90 KB
Additional documents:
That the proposals for the Theatr Clwyd Board of Governors, as outlined in the report, be approved and recommended to Cabinet.
The Chief Executive introduced the report on the composition of the new Board of Governors which comprised seven elected Member and six external appointments, prior to seeking formal approval by Cabinet.
He thanked the Group Leaders for their co-operation on the nomination of two elected Members for the two vacancies to serve alongside the five elected Members who had chosen to remain on the Board. The full membership, including the six external co-optees with respective skills who had been recruited through the process, would be reported to Cabinet.
He thanked the Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes) and the Theatre’s Artistic Director and Executive Director for their roles in strengthening the business model.
That the proposals for the Theatr Clwyd Board of Governors, as outlined in the report, be approved and recommended to Cabinet.