Issue - meetings
Growth Vision and Strategy for the Economy of North Wales: Governance Agreement
Meeting: 19/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 191)
191 Growth Vision and Strategy for the Economy of North Wales: Governance Agreement PDF 119 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for North Wales Growth Board, item 191 PDF 615 KB
- Enc. 2 for North Wales Growth Board, item 191 PDF 70 KB
- Enc. 3 for North Wales Growth Board, item 191 PDF 78 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
The Chief Executive introduced the Growth Vision and Strategy for the Economy of North Wales: Governance Agreement report which covered the first stage of the Governance Agreement.
A Governance Agreement was required to formalise the constitutional arrangements and confer decision-making powers to the Board within prescribed limits. The first stage of the Bid development was the preparatory and development stage which would run until mid-2019. The second stage which was post agreement of the Bid, would be the Bid implementation and delivery stage and would run from mid-2019.
The report did not attempt to present the content of the developing Growth Deal Bid in depth as its prime purpose was to present the Governance Agreement for adoption. The Economic Ambition Board would agree a Strategic Proposition for the Bid at its meeting on 15th July and that would be made available to the memberships of the partner bodies once finalised.
The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that the Governance Agreement unusually required approval by both Cabinet and County Council and it was on the agenda for County Council that afternoon.
In response to a question from Councillor Thomas, the Chief Executive explained that reserved matters protected local democracy and there would be a lot of informal engagement taking place.
(a) That progress on the development of a Growth Deal Bid be noted and welcomed;
(b) That the first stage Governance Agreement be approved subject to the full Council’s approval of the non-executive arrangements;
(c) That the Council be presented with the final draft Growth Deal Bid for review and consent in September/October prior to the stage of reaching Heads of Terms with both Governments;
(d) That delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive and Chief Officer (Governance), in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to finalise the terms of the Governance Agreement in accordance with the draft attached to the report; and
(e) That the executive arrangements contained with the Governance Agreement be included in the Constitution and that Council be requested to include the non-executive arrangements within the Constitution.