Issue - meetings
Code of Ethical Employment in Supply Chains
Meeting: 19/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 192)
192 Code Of Ethical Employment in Supply Chains PDF 91 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Code Of Ethical Employment in Supply Chains, item 192 PDF 779 KB
- Enc. 2 for Code Of Ethical Employment in Supply Chains, item 192 PDF 119 KB
As detailed in the recommendations with the inclusion of:
(c) That the Cabinet Member for Corporate Management and Assets be the anti-slavery champion.
Councillor Mullin introduced the Code of Practice on Ethical Employment in Supply Chains report following the production of the document by Welsh Government (WG), to improve the procurement practice in Wales and secure greater social benefit from public expenditure.
The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that the Code aligned with the Council’s own practices and beliefs as a social responsible and ethical organisation. It was challenging in places and the Council had undertaken an impact assessment of the Code; 32 of the 34 processes necessary to implement the commitments were either in place already or could be implemented. The Code set some commitments that may not be achievable and details were contained in the appendix to the report.
Councillor Thomas asked who the Anti-Slavery champion was and Councillor Mullin volunteered. In response to a further question, the Chief Officer (Governance) explained that the Council already had the arrangements in place through its Contract Procedure Rules and procurement practices to prevent its suppliers utilising many of the practices.
(a) That the Code in partnership with the recognised Trade Unions be adopted. Flintshire embraces the principles which underpin the Code as a socially and responsible and ethical public body;
(b) That the Code be implemented as far as is practicable and affordable, with an action plan to be developed in partnership with the local recognised Trade Unions; and
(c) That the Cabinet Member for Corporate Management and Assets be the anti-slavery champion.