Issue - meetings
2017/18 Performance Overview
Meeting: 19/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 195)
195 2017/18 Performance Overview PDF 82 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for 2017/18 Performance Overview, item 195 PDF 859 KB
- Enc. 2 for 2017/18 Performance Overview, item 195 PDF 71 KB
As detailed in the recommendation.
The Chief Executive introduced the 2017/18 Performance Overview report which provided details of the Council’s performance in 2017/18, taking into account the Council Plan aims, objectives and measures and nationally benchmarked measures, knows as Public Accountability Measures (PAMs).
Overall performance had been positive, with the majority of measures showing achievement of target and an improving trend during the year. The report also identified those performance measures which showed a decline in performance, did not meet target by a significant margin, or were nationally in the bottom two benchmarking ‘quartiles’. Agreed measures in those categories would be monitored for future review and oversight.
Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee had received the report on 14th June and the Chief Officer (Governance) provided details of the outcomes from that meeting:
· That the Committee notes and supports the overall positive performance;
· That the areas of corporate and service under-performance against the Council Plan and the performance measures set for 2017 be noted;
· That the Committee await the action plan to be published by Cabinet to address any areas of under-performance where they have a RAG status as Red or Amber, with a downturn performance trend; and
· That Cabinet be informed that performance on rent arrears and appraisals should both be downgraded to Red risks.
That the areas of corporate and service under-performance against the Council Plan and the performance measures set for 2017 be noted, and the outline action plans to be received in July.