Issue - meetings

Call In During the Budget Process

Meeting: 21/06/2018 - Constitution and Democratic Services Committee (Item 5)

5 Call In During the Budget Process pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To consider whether to impose any limitations on the use of call in during the budget setting process.


That the Committee recommends status quo to County Council in relation to call in.



The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced the report to consider whether to impose any limitations on the use of call-in during the budget setting process.  He provided background information and advised that a range of options existed for placing limits on call-in such as:


·         prohibited call in for budget decisions; or

·         limiting call in to issues that have not already been considered by an Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC); or

·         limiting call in to stages 1 and 2 of the new budget process so that the final 3rd stage can be delayed


In addition to the above the Chief Officer (Governance) advised that the Committee may consider that no change was required and therefore decide status quo.


The Chief Officer explained that the new budget process allowed Members to consider proposals at all Member workshops and at Overview and Scrutiny Committees at each of the 3 stages.  If a Member was concerned about a budget proposal at stages 1 or 2 then it could be deferred for further detailed consideration  at a later stage.  He continued that this should be sufficient to enable detailed scrutiny of proposals, although at times it was not always clear what the full implications of a decision would be especially when considering the potential cumulative impact. 


Councillor Chris Bithell expressed the view that the current arrangements were adequate and did not need changing.  He proposed status quo for the time being.


Councillor Ian Dunbar said he saw merit in each of the three options put forward above and suggested that they all be considered with a view to providing one  combined option which could be put forward for further consideration.


Councillor Mike Peers referred to the Welsh Audit Office scrutiny report and said the contents should be considered before making any change to the current arrangements and supported the status quo position.  He commented that more work needed to be undertaken on the budget consultation process and said that a timeline was needed for the budget setting process in March 2019.


Councillor Arnold Woolley drew attention to the last paragraph on page 17 of the report and reiterated the statement that “ultimately it is a matter for Councillors to decide whether to submit a call in request”.  He concurred that the system was to an extent “self policing” and that Overview and Scrutiny Committees were quick to reject any call-in which lacked merit.


During discussion Members expressed further views in support of retaining the current position.  When put to the vote the proposal by Councillor Chris Bithell for  status quo for the time being was agreed by the Committee.



That the Committee recommends status quo to County Council in relation to call in.