Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2018/19 - mid-year monitoring report

Meeting: 15/11/2018 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 58)

58 Council Plan 2018/19 - mid-year monitoring report pdf icon PDF 116 KB


That consideration of this report be deferred to the December meeting.


The Corporate Business & Communications Executive Officer presented a high-level summary of mid-year progress on the Council Plan for 2017-23 providing analysis on areas of under-performance relevant to the Committee.  Positive progress had been made in achieving actions, measures and risks for over 80% of the objectives.


Due to technical issues, it had not been possible to provide the usual detailed appendix and therefore a full report had been scheduled for the next meeting in December.  Following a request previously made by Councillor Jones, work was underway on developing an illustration of the planning cycle for financial, business and performance planning.  This would be shared at the January meeting, along with details of the range of performance information available to Overview & Scrutiny committees to draw upon for performance reporting.


Councillor Jones proposed that further consideration of the item be deferred to the December meeting when the full report would be available.  This was duly seconded and agreed by the Committee.




That consideration of this report be deferred to the December meeting.