Issue - meetings
Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report 2016/18 and Welsh Language Annual Monitoring Report 2017/18
Meeting: 17/07/2018 - Cabinet (Item 208)
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Welsh Language Annual Monitoring Report and Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report, item 208 PDF 452 KB
- Enc. 2 for Welsh Language Annual Monitoring Report and Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report, item 208 PDF 357 KB
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Mullin introduced the Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report 2016/18 and the Welsh Language Monitoring Report 2017/18 report which provided an overview of progress to complying with the Equality Act and Welsh Language Standards and identified areas for improvement.
The Chief Executive provided a verbal update on comments made at the recent Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the promotion of bilingualism and safeguarding of young people.
The Policy Development Officer – Equalities provided details of the outstanding areas of achievement which were detailed in full in the report.
Councillor Bithell supported the ‘next step’ on regular communications on compliance with and celebration of the Welsh Language Standards to be cascaded to the workforce.
(a) That Cabinet be assured that progress has been made during the year to meet the statutory duties;
(b) That the areas for improvement be noted and a mid-year report on progress be received;
(c) That the publication of the reports on the Council’s website be approved; and
(d) That the Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report and Welsh Language Annual Report be included on the Forward Work Programme of Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee.