Issue - meetings
Council Plan 2018/19 – Mid Year Monitoring
Meeting: 19/12/2018 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 46)
46 Council Plan 2018/19 – Mid Year Monitoring PDF 116 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Mid year progress report - Supportive Council, item 46 PDF 694 KB
- Appendix 2 - Mid year progress report - Ambitious Council, item 46 PDF 434 KB
That the report be noted.
The Chief Officer (Housing and Assets) presented the mid-year progress report on performance against the Council Plan 2018/19 focussing on areas of under-performance under the priorities ‘Supportive Council’ and ‘Ambitious Council’ which were relevant to the Committee.
Overall positive progress was reported with 81% of activities likely to achieve their planned outcomes and 79% of performance indicators meeting or exceeding their targets during the period. Risks were also being successfully managed with the majority assessed as either moderate or minor.
Under the Supportive Council priority, there was a red performance indicator was on the number of days to process change of circumstances for housing benefit. The Benefits Manager said that changes in Universal Credit were a significant challenge for the team. She advised that some long-term employee absences had been resolved and that Modern Trainees were being encouraged to fill a number of temporary vacant posts. On the red indicator for the amount of additional income paid to Flintshire residents as a result of work undertaken by the Council, she explained that late figures provided by external partners would improve the outturn for the next report.
The only major risk area was on the potential for increased debt levels if tenants were unable to afford to pay their rent or Council Tax, on which a detailed report was received at the last meeting.
Members expressed their disappointment at the response of the Department of Work & Pensions to concerns on proposed changes to grant funding arrangements.
Following comments by Councillor Reece on identifying suitable land for future housing developments, Councillor Attridge reported that work on the former Canton Depot site would be progressed in the New Year.
That the report be noted.