Issue - meetings

Request for Co-option to the Education & Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Meeting: 17/10/2018 - Constitution and Democratic Services Committee (Item 12)

12 Request for Co-option to the Education & Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 72 KB

For the committee to consider a request for a member of the Flintshire Youth Council to be co-opted to the Education & Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


That the co-option  of a Youth Council representative to the Education & Youth Overview & scrutiny committee be agreed in principle, with the caveat that if the Youth Council ceased to function, so would the co-option.



            The Democratic Services Manager introduced the report which was presented to gain agreement in principle for a member of the Flintshire Youth Council to attend and take part in the Education & Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee meetings. 


            Councillor Mike Peers asked when was the request being made and what expectations were envisaged for the representative attending Committee meetings.


            The Democratic Services Manager responded to say the representative would have a non-statutory role with no right to vote, but would be able to speak.  .  The Committee would also benefit from hearing a young person’s perspective.  He envisaged a reciprocal arrangement with both the scrutiny committee and the Youth Council benefitting from the experience.


            Councillor Chris Bithell welcomed the idea for the Education & Youth Committee and inquired whether the Youth Council nominee or deputy would be able to raise issues to go on the agenda.


            The Democratic Services Manager said that they would be able so to do. He went on to explain the public engagement protocols which enabled any member of the public to attend, observe and speak at committees.


            Councillor Dave Healey welcomed the suggestion, as did other Members.  


            The Democratic Services Manager suggested that Alison Thomas and Kate Glover- Jones from the Youth Service who were present could explain how the co-option arrangements would work.   Ms Thomas said the representative would be probably be studying politics at school and would be given the time from school as part of the course.   The Youth Council would be looking at the work covered by Local Authorities.  Ms Thomas explained that the Youth Council was not yet ready to nominate a co-optee, but appreciated the support being given by the agreement in principle.


            Councillor Marion Bateman made a suggestion that the Committee observe one of the Youth Council meetings.


            The Democratic Services Manager confirmed the new co-optee would be given the same induction session as other co-opted members, to explain the processes of committee and would be fully briefed. He went on suggest a caveat that if the Youth Council ceased to function, the co-option should also cease.


            Councillor Jean Davies fully supported the co- option and suggested a mentor from the Committee be appointed to assist the Youth Council Representative




That the co-option  of a Youth Council representative to the Education & Youth Overview & scrutiny committee be agreed in principle, with the caveat that if the Youth Council ceased to function, so would the co-option.