Issue - meetings
Third Sector update
Meeting: 06/06/2019 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)
7 Third Sector update PDF 103 KB
(a) That the Committee supports the social care activities that are being delivered within the third sector in Flintshire; and
(b) That the FLVC be thanked for their role.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced a report to provide an annual review of the social care activities undertaken by the third sector in Flintshire. He spoke of the thriving voluntary/third sector which provided invaluable support and services to Flintshire residents and the good working relationship between the Authority and Flintshire Local Voluntary Council (FLVC). The report provided an overview of the range and breadth of services funded by Social Services and detailed the recent activity undertaken to review services commissioned through the third sector to ensure they continued to meet the needs of the people in Flintshire. The report also detailed the approach taken to co-produce new and innovative services and gave an update on learning disability day and work opportunities and the plans for commissioning carers services in 2019/20.
The Senior Manager, Safeguarding and Commissioning, explained that Flintshire had developed a strong working relationship with its third sector partners and continued to invest in the sector by commissioning, where appropriate, to deliver services in the community as they were often best placed to engage and support individuals and their carers. She reported on the main considerations, as detailed in the report, around the work of the FLVC, Carers Services, Disability Services, Adults Advocacy, Children’s Advocacy, Action for Children Strategic Partnership, Single Point of Access, and Mental Health.
In response to a query raised by the Chair, further information on the Single Point of Access service was provided.
Councillor Veronica Gay commented on the North East Wales Carers Information Service (NEWCIS). The Senior Manager, Safeguarding and Commissioning, explained that Flintshire Social Services delivered a range of support services for carers both in-house and commissioned through external third sector organisations. She reported on the highly valued work provided by NEWCIS to support carers, individuals, and families, and said that NEWCIS worked in close partnership with the Authority to deliver some of the key services required under the Social Services and Well Being Act.
Councillor Martin White spoke in support of the valuable work provided by the social care third sector for the local population and suggested that the Chair sends a letter of thanks to the FLVC on behalf of the Committee. This was agreed by the Committee.
(a) That the Committee supports the social care activities that are being delivered within the third sector in Flintshire; and
(b) That the FLVC be thanked for their role.