Issue - meetings

21st Century Schools Programme - Connah's Quay High School Project - Project update

Meeting: 22/01/2019 - Cabinet (Item 298)

298 21st Century Schools Programme - Connah's Quay High School Project - Project Update pdf icon PDF 91 KB


As detailed in the recommendation.


            Councillor Roberts introduced the 21st Century Schools Programme – Connah’s Quay High School Project – Project Update report which provided an explanation of the increase in project costs together with solutions to address the funding shortfall.


            The project in its current form could not be achieved for the original estimate of £4m – the project figure was £300k above the original estimate taking the project to £4.3m.


            The reasons for the increase were:


·         Building materials cost increase due to variable market forces.  Other contractors were also reporting similar issues across Wales and the wider UK as a whole;

·         Additional areas of refurbishment had been included in the sports block since the original estimate.  Originally the majority of the sports block was being refurbished with small areas and circulation spaces excluded.  A better end product would be realised by including these areas; and

·         Following re-inspection of the sports hall roof, additional works were required in that area.


The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) said there were two options available:


1.    Reduce the scope of the project to bring it within the funding envelope; or

2.    Redirect funding from other areas of the programme.  Currently there was flexibility within the programme, given Cabinet’s decision not to proceed with the Lixwm and Brynford proposed amalgamation (this option did not prohibit Cabinet’s desire to invest in Brynford CP).


Following comments from Councillors Shotton and Attridge, the Chief Executive confirmed that the use of the facilities outside of school hours would be looked into, including the use of the changing rooms.


Having earlier declared a personal and prejudicial interest, Councillor Jones left the room during consideration of this item.




That the report and additional expenditure required to deliver the project be approved.