Issue - meetings

Quarter 3 Council Plan 2018/19 Monitoring Report

Meeting: 14/02/2019 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 92)

92 Quarter 3 Council Plan 2018/19 Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 149 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Committee notes and endorses:


·         The overall levels of progress and confidence in the achievement of activities within the Council Plan;

·         The overall performance against Council Plan performance indicators;

·         The current risk levels within the Council Plan.


(b)       That the Committee is assured by plans and actions to manage the delivery of the 2018/19 Council Plan.


The Corporate Business & Communications Executive Officer presented a summary of progress on the Council Plan for 2017-23 as at Quarter 3 of 2018/19 providing analysis on areas of under-performance relevant to the Committee.  This was generally a positive report with 92% of actions assessed as making good progress, and 85% likely to achieve the desired outcome.


It was reported that 65% of performance indicators had met or exceeded targets.  Of the three areas showing a red RAG status, significant progress had been made to reduce the average number of days taken to complete a Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) and further improvements were expected for 2019/20 once the backlog of legacy cases had been completed.  The DFG review board would continue to monitor progress and Internal Audit colleagues were satisfied that progress was on track.  There was some improvement in the percentage of looked after children with a timely health assessment, however outcomes were influenced by the capacity of Health partners.


Risks were being successfully managed with the majority assessed as moderate or minor/insignificant and two relating to the development of Marleyfield and effectiveness of the Early Help Hub had been sufficiently mitigated to be closed down.  Six of the seven red risks were affected by the current financial climate.


Councillor Mullin thanked the Executive Officer and her team for their work and welcomed the progress achieved to date.


Councillor Heesom acknowledged positive aspects of the report but raised concerns about progress on objectives in the Ambitious Council priority, particularly on the regional and local transport strategy which had been raised at the Planning Strategy Group.  He said that more information was needed on traffic infrastructure and economic growth across the County.


The Chief Executive said that whilst the Council was successful in attracting transport grants, the development of the Transport for Wales body would mean that councils had limited influence.


Councillor Johnson praised the partnership working between the Council, Welsh Government and Town/Community Councils on achieving good outcomes in the west of Flintshire.




(a)       That the Committee notes and endorses:


·         The overall levels of progress and confidence in the achievement of activities within the Council Plan;

·         The overall performance against Council Plan performance indicators;

·         The current risk levels within the Council Plan.


(b)       That the Committee is assured by plans and actions to manage the delivery of the 2018/19 Council Plan.