Issue - meetings

Year-end Council Plan Monitoring Report 2018/19

Meeting: 26/09/2019 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 22)

22 Year-end Council Plan Monitoring Report 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 305 KB

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That the report be noted.


The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) presented the 2018/19 year-end progress report on the Council Plan for 2018/23 providing analysis on the priority ‘Learning Council’ which was relevant to the Committee. 


The Chief Officer advised that the monitoring report for the 2018/19 Council Plan was a positive report, with 92% of activities being assessed as having made good progress and 89% on track to achieve the desired outcome.  Performance indicators showed good progress with 70% on target, 20% being monitored and 10% off track.  Risks were also being successfully managed with the majority being assessed as moderate (64%), minor (14%) or significant (11%). 


Councillor Dave Mackie drew attention to pages 98 and 99 of the report, IP and IP, and said no data had been provided for the actual year.  He also referred to page 103, IP, and said there was no data for the previous year.  Officers provided clarification around the analysis presented.




That the report be noted.