Issue - meetings
Flintshire County Council's Response to the Welsh Government White Paper 'Improving Public Transport'
Meeting: 19/03/2019 - Cabinet (Item 327)
Additional documents:
As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Thomas introduced the Flintshire County Council’s Response to the Welsh Government White Paper ‘Improving Public Transport’ report which included the Council’s formal response to the White Paper.
Councillor Thomas said a review was needed to save bus transport and Welsh Government (WG) was looking at using devolved powers to revise legislation and regulate bus service provision, giving local authorities powers to be able to run their own bus services which she welcomed.
Commercial operators were making business decisions to only run efficient and commercially viable services which resulted in some areas being cut off - this impacted on the vulnerable, the elderly, the disabled and those who did not own a car. She felt it was important for people to remain independent, mobile and active which was a challenge for the Council and also for WG.
The Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) explained that the Licensing Committee had received the draft response at the meeting in January where it received full support. He added that, with reference to licensing, national standards were fully supported but at this stage there was no detail contained within the White Paper as to how the Joint Transport Agreement would undertake the licensing function – it was therefore felt that enforcement and implementation should take place at a local level.
Councillor Shotton commented that the review was long overdue and stressed the importance of the consultation document.
That the response to the Welsh Government consultation document ‘Improving Public Transport’ be approved.