Issue - meetings

Environmental Enforcement

Meeting: 16/04/2019 - Cabinet (Item 341)

341 Environmental Enforcement pdf icon PDF 94 KB


As detailed in the recommendations.


            Councillor Thomas introduced the Environmental Enforcement report which provided clarity on the approach to enforcement activities in the County in the future. 


            Following a recent review of the Council’s Environmental Enforcement Service, the Council’s own Enforcements Officers had resumed responsibility for the enforcement of all low level environmental crimes, such as littering and dog control. 


During the review the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommended that consideration should be given for Town and Community Council’s to fund additional Enforcement Officers within their area.  The Council would contact all Town and Community Council’s to offer the opportunity to fund additional officer time in their wards.


The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) explained that Enforcement Officers were responsible for patrolling across the county and it was scheduled to ensure all areas received a reasonable level of enforcement presence.  The enforcement areas covered by the team were:


·         Littering;

·         Dog fouling;

·         Car park management;

·         On road parking enforcement;

·         Fly tipping;

·         Side waste enforcement; and

·         Abandoned car removal.


Councillor Bithell expressed some concerns on the new arrangements as he felt it was a retrograde step to more recent enforcement actions that had been carried out when a private company had been undertaking enforcement actions.  He also said some smaller community councils would not be in a financial position to fund additional services but accepted that, as it was a request from the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee, that they could receive a report back and it could be reviewed. 


In response to a comment the Chief Officer clarified that this was clarification of the current policy, including the zero tolerance approach.


Councillor Butler said that residents in communities needed to take responsibility and take pride in where they lived.  Councillor Thomas responded that residents needed to work with the Council and a balanced approach between education and enforcement would be taken.




(a)       That the protocol detailed within the report for low level environmental crime offences and the issue of Fixed Penalty Notices for littering and dog control offences be approved; and


(b)       That it be approved that Town and Community Council’s be given the        opportunity to support additional Enforcement Officers in their own areas.