Issue - meetings
Renewal of North Wales Construction Framework
Meeting: 14/05/2019 - Cabinet (Item 8)
8 Renewal of North Wales Construction Framework PDF 89 KB
As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Roberts introduced the Renewal of North Wales Construction Framework report which provided an update and confirmed the new arrangements for the Framework.
The North Wales Construction Framework was established in 2014 and ran until 2018. It was set up primarily to deliver the construction of new school buildings, or the remodelling and refurbishment of existing school buildings under the 21st Century Schools programme. However, the Framework evolved and could also be used by other public sector organisations in the region to deliver their non-school construction projects.
The Framework provided a streamlined, cost-effective and collaborative mechanism to secure contractors for construction projects in schools and other public buildings across North Wales. Twenty regional projects had delivered a number of community benefits which were outlined in the report – that number would likely increase as the final Band A projects were completed.
Details of the new Framework and the process undertaken were outlined in the report. The Framework would have a positive effect in the North Wales region creating new facilities for public use including new schools, creating jobs in the construction sector, improving educational attainment, providing opportunities for community involvement and engagement and help to promote a vibrant culture and Welsh language. The Framework would be the procurement vehicle for the Council’s 21st Century Schools Band B investment programme.
That the report be noted.