Issue - meetings
Council Plan 2019/20
Meeting: 18/06/2019 - Cabinet (Item 13)
13 Council Plan 2019/20 PDF 133 KB
Additional documents:
As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Roberts introduced the Council Plan – Part 1 which was the guiding priorities for the Council’s remaining term. He thanked all officers involved in the production of the Plan.
The Chief Executive explained that the Plan was reported to County Council in June each year for adoption – it was a five year plan which was subject to annual review.
Workshops had been held for Members and the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee had provided feedback on the structure, format and content of the draft Plan. The main outcomes from the Member workshops were outlined in the report. Other more specific suggestions had been made to inform the content of the Plan and where agreed at the workshops, or in discussion, they had been incorporated into the Plan.
The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer explained that a new, seventh theme had been added to the Plan - ‘Safe and Clean Council’.
The Council Plan was published in two documents. Part one set out the intent. Part two would set out the performance measures, targets and milestones against which achievement would be measured and evaluated. Part two would be presented in July.
Councillor Thomas welcomed the timing of the workshops which had been held earlier in the process and the format of the document which she felt was easier to understand for members of the public.
Councillors Banks and Bithell commented on the importance of the new 7th Theme which was welcomed. On ‘Serving Council’, Councillor Jones was pleased to see the inclusion of ‘Measures to support and maintain a safe and healthy working environment’.
That Part 1 of the Council Plan 2019/20 be recommended to Council for adoption.