Issue - meetings
Council Plan 2019/20
Meeting: 13/06/2019 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 16)
16 Council Plan 2019/20 PDF 87 KB
Additional documents:
That the update on actions to complete the review of the Council plan for 2019/20 in readiness for the recommendation of the Plan to Council for adoption, be received.
The Chief Executive introduced a report to update the Committee on the annual process to complete the review of the Council Plan 2019/20. Part 1 of the Council Plan would be considered by Cabinet for recommendation to County Council for adoption on 18 June.
The report set out the main outcomes from the two Member workshops and the tracker of changes since the Council Plan 2018/19. A number of suggestions were also included to improve the process for future participation including better alignment between the Council Plan themes and Overview & Scrutiny forward work programmes. Part 2 of the Council Plan, including details of performance measures, would be shared with the Committee in July before consideration by Cabinet.
In speaking about process, Councillor Heesom said that the timing denied Members the opportunity to call-in the decision. He reiterated his concerns about the need to be able to prioritise certain areas of the Council Plan and said that the Integrated Transport Plan did not deal with the issue of the transport corridor strategy which was essential to the Ambitious Council theme. He said that there was too much focus on the Deeside Industrial Park with no sensible links to the wider area of the North Wales Growth Plan.
The Chief Executive said that the Council Plan was adopted each year and only contained actions on which the Council could deliver, ie Council functions. At County Council, Members would have an opportunity to propose changes which should be specific, practical and viable. All themes in the Council Plan had equal status and were built into the budget to deliver in-year. Where agreed at the Member workshops, feedback had been incorporated and the subsequent survey had generated responses from only 17 Members.
Councillor Roberts questioned Councillor Heesom’s comments on Member involvement as the consultation process had been inclusive with further opportunity for debate at County Council. On transport, he said that clarification was required from Welsh Government on proposals for the North Wales Metro whereas the issue of roads was not part of the remit for this Committee.
Councillor Jones remarked that the Plan would have been better presented by service area. At the workshop, he had raised queries on the omission of ‘maximising income and employability’, along with specific mention of NEETS (not in education, employment and training) and Youth Justice.
The Chief Executive said that the workshops were intended to identify specific areas to be incorporated in the draft Plan. He agreed to look into the first point and advised that both NEETS and Youth Justice were included in Part 2 of the Council Plan.
Councillor Roberts said that the Council should be proud of its performance in maintaining low levels of NEETS.
Councillor Mullin thanked Members for their contributions including those who participated in the workshops.
The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Collett and seconded by Councillor Johnson. On being put to the vote, this was carried. Councillor Heesom asked that his abstention from the vote be recorded. ... view the full minutes text for item 16