Issue - meetings
Employment and Workforce Quarterly update
Meeting: 13/02/2020 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 82)
82 Employment and Workforce Quarterly update PDF 106 KB
Additional documents:
(a) That the Committee notes the Employment and Workforce Information Report for Quarter 3 of 2019/20 (October to 31 December 2019); and
(b) That the Committee reiterates the previous request for portfolio holders - where there is poor appraisal performance - to attend a meeting of the Committee and be held to account for this.
The Chief Executive presented the workforce information report on Quarter 3 of 2019/20 which focussed on organisational performance and trends. The report also included a section on the successful transfer of the Red Book (Craft) to the Council’s new pay model.
In advising that there was no risk to business continuity from the employee turnover trend, the Chief Executive suggested that future reports instead focus on any trends within services that may be of concern. A presentation on work being undertaken with Occupational Health on sickness absence trend analysis would be scheduled for a future meeting.
Councillors Jones and Woolley both raised concerns about progress on the completion of appraisals. The Chief Executive said that an improved position at the end of year was expected and that any major variations within portfolios would result in the relevant Chief Officer attending before the Committee to provide explanation. Councillor Jones’ query on days lost per full-time equivalent would be passed to the Senior Manager for clarification.
In response to the Chairman’s request, future reports would include comparison data for the previous quarter and the equivalent quarter for the preceding year. Quarter 4 progress on appraisals would be reported alongside a presentation on the new pay model in May.
The recommendations, which were changed to reflect the debate, were moved by Councillor Woolley and seconded by Councillor Cunningham.
(a) That the Committee notes the Employment and Workforce Information Report for Quarter 3 of 2019/20 (October to 31 December 2019); and
(b) That the Committee reiterates the previous request for portfolio holders - where there is poor appraisal performance - to attend a meeting of the Committee and be held to account for this.