Issue - meetings
Arosfa Refurbishment: Update
Meeting: 03/10/2019 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 24)
24 Arosfa Refurbishment: Update PDF 103 KB
That the plans to refurbish Arosfa be supported.
The Senior Manager, Children and Workforce, introduced a report on an additional service to provide increased accommodation for young people with complex needs. He provided background information and explained that there are plans to refurbish an unused wing of the building to provide two additional bed spaces at Arosfa which will accommodate two permanent long-term residents and provide a quality local service as an alternative to out of county placements. He advised that funding from the Integrated Care Fund (ICF) had been identified for the additional revenue costs for the extended service.
Officers responded to the comments raised around car parking and the local community. The Senior Officer explained that work would be undertaken to ensure the local community was informed of the plans but it was not expected that there would be any additional demands on local amenities or car parking arrangements.
Councillor Dave Mackie expressed his congratulations to the Chief Officer, Senior Manager and his team, for their work to reduce reliance on out of county placements and to support children, young people, and their families, within County.
That the plans to refurbish Arosfa be supported.