Issue - meetings

Regional Learning Disability Programme: Report on Progress

Meeting: 19/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 102)

102 Regional Learning Disability Programme: Report on Progress pdf icon PDF 357 KB

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Councillor Jones introduced the Regional Learning Disability Programme: Report on Progress report which provided an overview of the “North Wales Together; Seamless Services for people with Learning Disabilities” programme which was being funded by Welsh Government (WG) via the Regional Partnership Board (RPB) and hosted by Flintshire.


                        The programme was developed with the individuals with a learning disability and their families, the six local authority areas, the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and the third sector.


                        The aim of the programme was to seek out and develop best practice, shaping models of support for Learning Disabilities Services in North Wales that could be trialled during the course of the project and adopted and taken forward alongside the North Wales Learning Disability Strategy (2018/2023) following the end of the programme in December 2020.


                        The Chief Officer (Social Services) commented that there had been positive progress in the initial phase of the programme.  There was innovative practice in North Wales and the Council could learn from best practice elsewhere to roll out a consistent standard across the region.




            That the direction of the Learning Disability Programme be supported.