Issue - meetings

Independent Affordable Housing Supply Review

Meeting: 17/03/2020 - Cabinet (Item 163)

163 Independent Affordable Housing Supply Review pdf icon PDF 102 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Hughes introduced an update on progress with the recommendations of the independent review of Affordable Housing Supply in Wales which had been commissioned by Welsh Government (WG).  The WG responses and timescales to the recommendations were appended to the report alongside actions being taken by the Council on a local and regional basis with strategic partners to improve delivery arrangements for the supply of affordable housing.


The Chief Officer (Housing and Assets) said that the independent panel had agreed the definition of affordable housing in the context of Technical Advice Note (TAN) 2 which included a range of housing models such as equity share schemes, Help to Buy and Rent to Own.


Councillor Thomas referred to the grant funding received by Registered Social Landlords which did not apply to councils.  The Chief Officer said that this resulted in the Council taking a more innovative approach to its house building programme.  In response to further questions, he provided an update on progress at Garden City where the first modular build scheme in Flintshire was being developed.  In acknowledging the financial impact of installing solar panels on houses, he paid tribute to the work of the Energy team.


Following a query by Councillor Banks, the Chief Officer provided clarification on work being undertaken by WG on Public Sector Land recommendations in the report.


The recommendation was moved by Councillor Hughes and seconded by Councillor Thomas.




That the attached recommendations from the review and the Minister’s comments be noted, and that further updates be received as the implications of the recommended actions are further developed.