Issue - meetings
Alltami Depot Stores
Meeting: 11/02/2020 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 65)
65 Alltami Depot Stores PDF 108 KB
That the working arrangements within the Streetscene & Transportation depot stores, and actions undertaken to control material and equipment held within the stores be supported.
The Service Delivery Manager presented a report to provide assurances around controls in place within the stores in Alltami depot. The Alltami depot stores was responsible for the safe and secure storage of all stock items and materials used at the depot, and additionally, ensuring that all plant and machinery used by the service was operated, inspected and serviced in accordance with planned schedules and legal requirements.
Internal audits of the depot stores were undertaken in July 2016, with a follow-up audit conducted in May 2019. The overall findings from the audits were that the controls in operation at the time provided some assurance that key risks were managed and controlled effectively, but that more could be done. The Service Delivery Manager reported on the new stores system in place, as detailed within the report, explaining that a delivery project team would be established to monitor delivery of the system, which would be reported on a monthly basis to the Senior Management Team meetings.
In response to a request from the Chairman, the Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) said that a copy of the audit report would be made available to Members of the Committee. He also advised that the service had been complemented on the level of information provided during a recent health and safety inspection.
Councillor Mike Peers thanked officers for the report. He commented on obsolete stock items and materials stored at the depot and asked whether the service received full cost recovery on the items sent to auction and whether the money made was returned to the service. He raised concerns around the lack of systems in place in order to return unused items of stock and asked why it had taken 3 years for there to be a follow-up audit. He asked what the cost to the service was for agency staff not returning appropriate clothing at the end of their employment and raised concern on the van ladders previously purchased by the Housing Department and stored at the depot and asked if there had been a duplication in cost if they had not been moved for a number of years.
The Service Delivery Manager responded that where obsolete stock items, such as, old lanterns and crash barriers could not be used elsewhere, they were auctioned and full cost of the items was recovered. This money was given back to the streetscene service. She wasn’t aware of why the follow-up audit had taken 3 years but could pick this up with them following the meeting. In relation to the cost of non-returned clothing, the Service Delivery Manager explained that the cost had not been picked up as part of the audit.
In response to a suggestion from Councillor Peers, the Chief Officer agreed to provide an update report to the Committee in six months’ time in order to give assurance that the new working arrangements and processes were being followed correctly.
In response to a question from Councillor Chris Dolphin, the Service Delivery Manager advised ... view the full minutes text for item 65