Issue - meetings
Petitions received at Council
Meeting: 27/02/2020 - Flintshire County Council (Item 122)
122 Petitions received at Council PDF 76 KB
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That the report be noted.
The Democratic Services Manager presented the annual report on outcomes and actions arising from petitions submitted to Council during the year. The report included the portfolio response to the only petition received during 2019/20 - one which challenged speed limits along Abbey Drive in Gronant.
Members were advised that the organiser of the petition had been satisfied with the Council’s response and had also welcomed future plans by Welsh Government (WG) to introduce default 20mph speed limits for residential areas across Wales.
In response to Members’ questions on enforcement of the 20mph speed limit, the Chief Executive said that more clarity was awaited from WG once the legislation had been passed.
As Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside, Councillor Thomas said that some 20mph speed restrictions were advisory only and that more information on statutory speed limits would accompany the legislation. She said that the Council officer who was appointed to the WG working party had produced a committee report.
On being put the vote, the recommendation in the report was carried.
That the report be noted.