Issue - meetings

Sale of Hope Hall Farm, Hope

Meeting: 12/05/2020 - Individual Cabinet Member Decisions (Item 16)

Sale of Hope Hall Farm, Hope

Additional documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 2


As detailed in the recommendation.


The Chief Officer (Housing and Assets) introduced the report and explained that the Council owned the freehold to Hope Hall Farm in Hope.


The farm was split into three lots:


·         The farm and 101 acres;

·         A seven acre plot being disposed of separately; and

·         Retained land which fronts the main road should it become developable in the future.


The sale would be subject to a claw-back clause which would remain in effect for the next 25 years.


            As Chair of Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Carver made the following comments:


‘As Chair of Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee, I find it rather strange that the sale of Hope Hall Farm has come to Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet some months after it has actually been sold.  From the report, following the Capital Assets Programme Board supporting the disposal of the Farm in February 2018, it was sold by informal tender in November 2019.  


I accept that whilst it would have been better if Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet had been involved earlier, certainly in the current situation market conditions may have deteriorated and the purchaser have second thoughts on the offered sum.  Therefore, in the circumstances, I have no objection to the recommendation that Cabinet support the sale of Hope Hall Farm, Hope, comprising 101 acres of agricultural land, house and associated buildings’.


            Councillor Mullin, as Cabinet Member for Corporate Management and Assets, supported the recommendation.




That Cabinet support the sale of Hope Hall Farm, Hope, comprising 101 acres of agricultural land, house and associated out buildings.