Issue - meetings
Council Plan 2019/20 End of Year Monitoring
Meeting: 14/07/2020 - Cabinet (Item 183)
183 Council Plan 2019/20 End of Year Monitoring PDF 218 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Council Plan 2019/20 End of Year Monitoring, item 183 PDF 1007 KB
- Webcast for Council Plan 2019/20 End of Year Monitoring
As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Mullin introduced the report which presented the annual out-turn performance against the Council Plan 2019/20.
The out-turn report showed that 88% of activities within the Council Plan had made good progress at year-end, with 91% on track to achieve their desired outcome. At year-end 78% of performance targets were on target, 14% did not meet target but ended the year within an acceptable range, and 8% were off track. Risks were being managed effectively, the majority being addressed as moderate (67%), minor (12%) or insignificant (6%).
The Chief Executive provided an example of where a target had not been met, which was ‘the number of extra care units provided across Flintshire’. The target had been 239.00 units and the end of year performance was 184.00 units. He explained that Plas Yr Ywen in Holywell had been due to open in February 2020, with apartments being allocated and residents moving in over a period of eight weeks, with the facility being fully operational by the end of March 2020. However, the opening had been delayed due to the interruption of the emergency and the care workers assigned to the facility being deployed elsewhere for Covid-19.
Members welcomed the report and commented on the successful schemes that had been delivered, such as the Well Fed programme, opening of the night shelter for rough sleepers, the opening of Parc Adfer and the expansion of Marleyfield Residential Care Home. Councillor Bithell expressed his particular thanks for the work undertaken to reduce the number of calendar days for delivery of Disabled Facility Grants.
As Chair of Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Carver made the following observations:
“The coronavirus situation during the last quarter of 2019/20 precluded "business as normal." Therefore, my view as Chair of CRO&SC, is that I am satisfied with the report and concur with the Recommendations.
Had there been an actual CRO&SC meeting, I would have asked whether the Target should be revised. This where the current Target is somewhat higher than either the Actual or the Previous Year Actual; in cases where lower is better. An example being CP4.2.3M03 (PAM/022) Percentage of C roads in overall poor condition. Should the Target figure be reduced in this case”?
That the levels of progress, performance and risk in the End of Year Council Plan 2019/20 report be noted.