Issue - meetings
Capital Programme Monitoring 2020/21 (Month 4)
Meeting: 22/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 10)
10 Capital Programme Monitoring 2020/21 (Month 4) PDF 294 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Capital Programme Monitoring 2020/21 (Month 4), item 10 PDF 89 KB
- Enc. 2 for Capital Programme Monitoring 2020/21 (Month 4), item 10 PDF 83 KB
- Enc. 3 for Capital Programme Monitoring 2020/21 (Month 4), item 10 PDF 80 KB
- Webcast for Capital Programme Monitoring 2020/21 (Month 4)
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Banks introduced the report which summarised changes made to the Capital Programme 2020/21 since it was set in January 2020 to the end of Month 4 (July 2020), along with expenditure to date and projected outturn.
The Capital Programme saw a net increase in budget of £6.829M during the period which comprised of:
· Net budget reduction in the programme of £12.287M (Council Fund (CF) £0.837M, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) £13.124M
· Introduction of Carry Forward from 2019/20 of £19.766M (CF £19.766M, HRA £0.000M)
· Identified savings at Month 4 (£0.650M (CF).
Actual expenditure was £9.512M.
The Corporate Finance Manager explained that the final outturn funding surplus from the 2019/20 – 2021/22 Capital Programme was £1.145M. The 2020/21 – 2022/23 Capital Programme was approved on 28th January 2020, with a funding deficit of £2.264M. The surplus carried forward led to an opening funding position deficit of £1.119M.
Capital receipts received in the first quarter of 2020/21, along with savings identified totalled £0.948 M. A request for an additional allocation of £0.217M towards the Queensferry Campus project put the current funding deficit, for the three year period, at £0.388M. That was in advance of any capital receipts or other funding being realised.
The Chief Executive added that information was still being awaited from Welsh Government (WG) on the timeline on the economic stimulus package. That could have a positive impact on the Capital Programme.
Councillor Thomas said she would pursue WG on the funding for Standard Waste Transfer Station.
(a) That the overall report be approved;
(b) That the carry forward adjustments set out in the report be approved; and
(c) That the additional allocations as set out in the report be approved.