Issue - meetings

Revised Consultation Process for the Progression of Traffic Regulation Orders and Welsh Government Grant Funded Schemes

Meeting: 22/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Revised Consultation Process for the Progression of Traffic Regulation Orders and Welsh Government Grant Funded Schemes pdf icon PDF 135 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Thomas introduced the report which sought approval for the revised consultation process associated with local transport schemes as a result of the restrictions due to the emergency situation.


The current social distancing restrictions from the pandemic had led to concerns over the Council’s ability to fulfil its statutory duty of consultation, both for the progression of Welsh Government annual grant schemes and also the implementation of Traffic Regulation Orders. 


The report set out a revised method of consultation which would allow interested parties and stakeholders the opportunity to comment and provide input to the scheme design, prior to their implementation.




That the restrictions associated with conducting consultation events during the Covid 19 pandemic be acknowledged, and the implementation of the revised consultation process for the 2020/21 Welsh Government Transport Schemes be approved.