Issue - meetings

Recovery Strategy

Meeting: 25/09/2020 - Community, Housing & Assets Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 18/10/22 (Item 7)

7 Recovery Strategy pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the full set of immediate strategic priorities for recovery of the portfolio, as set out in the report be agreed, together with the risk analysis and mitigation actions both live and planned; and


(b)       That a forward work programme for the Committee be rebuilt for the remainder of the 2020/21 Council year with recovery planning at its core.


The Chief Executive presented a report to provide the Committee with oversight of recovery planning for its portfolio areas as part of the strategy for the resumption of full democratic governance.  Feedback from each of the Overview & Scrutiny committees on the risk registers, recovery priorities and revised performance indicator targets for their respective areas would be reported to Cabinet prior to publication of a full Recovery Strategy.


A presentation showing the handover from response to recovery covered the following points:


·         Recommendations from Cabinet

·         Objectives of the Recovery Strategy

·         Response Objectives

·         Examples of local achievements in Response

·         Recovery - handover arrangements

·         Regional and Local Recovery Structures

·         Recovery Objectives - Services

·         Recovery Activities

·         Community Recovery

·         Council Plan and Performance

·         Democratic Governance of Recovery


The Chief Officer (Housing & Assets) and Senior Managers gave a detailed presentation on the risk register for the service portfolio which covered the following:


·         Housing & Assets Risks

·         Risk Allocation

·         Risk Trend

·         Financial

·         Workforce

·         Property and Assets

·         Governance and Legal

·         Homeless Prevention Services


The Facilitator suggested that Members consider risks of ongoing concern and how best to report them to the Committee to inform the forward work programme.  She said that she would liaise with the Chairman, Chief Officer and Senior Management Team to populate the forward work programme for submission at the next Committee meeting.


In response to a question around void properties, the Housing & Assets Senior Manager advised that there were a broad range of void properties across the County, mainly 1 and 2 bedroom properties.


In response to a question around disabled facilities grants, the Benefits Manager advised that work had resumed on medium and large projects.  She assured the Committee that the most urgent cases had continuedduring the emergency situation but outlined the nervousness of some people of having trades people within their home so they were working closely with these people.  She also provided an update on the work undertaken with the Procurement Team to ensure greater involvement with contractors prior to work commencing at a property.       


The Committee was asked to support the recommendations including the immediate recovery priorities identified in the report, alongside agreeing with the risk analysis and mitigating actions.  These were moved by Councillor Ron Davies and seconded by Councillor Dennis Hutchinson.




(a)       That the full set of immediate strategic priorities for recovery of the portfolio as set out in the report be agreed, together with the risk analysis and mitigating actions both live and planned; and


(b)       That a forward work programme for the Committee be rebuilt for the remainder of the 2020/21 Council year with recovery planning at its core.