Issue - meetings
Office of the Public Guardian Report
Meeting: 20/10/2020 - Cabinet (Item 29)
29 Office of the Public Guardian Report PDF 96 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Office of the Public Guardian Report, item 29 PDF 374 KB
- Enc. 2 for Office of the Public Guardian Report, item 29 PDF 238 KB
- Webcast for Office of the Public Guardian Report
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Jones introduced the report which provided details of the content of the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) Assurance Visit undertaken in January 2020.
The OPG used Assurance Visits as a means of supervising and supporting Professional and Public Authority deputies. Assurance Visits look at specific client management and administration of their deputyship caseload.
This year the OPG Assurance Visit reviewed seven of the Council’s deputyship clients and performance was measured against:
- Secure the clients finances and assets;
- Gain insight into the client to make decisions in their best interests;
- Maintain effective internal office processes and organisation; and
- Have the skills and knowledge to carry out duties of a deputy.
The visit concluded that the Council met all the standards and noted that the deputyship officers worked closely with Social Workers to ensure the individual was supported to make their own decisions as much as possible. It was also noted from the cases reviewed that the deputyship officers had a good understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and its five statutory principles.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) paid tribute to the small team of three who had received a very positive review of the work of the Deputyship Officers within the Financial Assessment and Charging Team of Social Services. He added that in response to the Visitor’s assessment and comment on under-resourcing, the service was in the process of appointing an additional Deputyship Officer.
Councillor Banks applauded the team for the excellent work they undertook.
(a) That Cabinet note and be assured by the content of the Assurance Visit feedback letter and assessment of the authority’s performance; and
(b) That the Assurance Visits Overall Summary and the Council’s response be noted.