Issue - meetings

Employment & Workforce update to include Absence trends and analysis for Quarters 1 & 2

Meeting: 14/01/2021 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 52)

52 Employment and Workforce Mid-Year update pdf icon PDF 106 KB

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That the report be received and employees be thanked for their diligence in

dealing with changing circumstances during the emergency.




The Senior Manager, Human Resources and Organisational Development presented a report to provide strategic updates in addition to the quarterly workforce statistics and their analysis.  The format of the report and the accompanying Workforce Information Dashboard reports (as appended to the report) were intended to focus on organisational performance and trends.  The dashboards were a visual presentation of data showing the current status and historical trends of the Council’s performance against key performance indicators.   The Senior Manager presented the main considerations as detailed in the report.


Councillor Arnold Woolley suggested that thanks be recorded to all the Authority’s employees (including Agency staff) for their hard work and commitment in challenging circumstances during the pandemic.


It was agreed that an open letter from the Leader of the Council be sent to the people of Flintshire, thanking them for co-operating with the regulations and restrictions which have been caused by the coronavirus pandemic.


Following a suggestion by the Chair, the Service Manager  agreed to look at a re-ordering  of the dashboard.


Councillor Sean Bibby moved the recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Paul Shotton.




That the report be received and employees be thanked for their diligence in

dealing with changing circumstances during the emergency.